Chekhov and James Joyce

 There are many differences between Anton Chekhov and James Joyce. I prefer Anton Chekhov more. Even though I like the open-ending but, James Joyce’s ambiguous ending is not my style. And I loved Chekhov’s dull tone. His stories are presented with mediocrity and insignificance without making the audience boring, and also working on making broad and generalized statements without loss of the elaboration needed to cast a sharp and factual shock. Audiences were encouraged to examine the behavior of characters who are dominated by everyday life. Audiences, who were accustomed to traditional control over stories and provocative acts on stage, naturally had to be in trouble. But on this, “Life is not made up of such great conflicts and pensions, and plays should approach life as much as possible,” Chekhov assures. What was important for Chekhov not what he saw, but how he saw it.

The most fundamental feature of Chekhov's play is its daily routine. For Chekhov, this routine is a way of looking at life, and it is a principle of creation. Chekhov's plays were criticized for the boredom of the play, the lack of stage finesse, insufficient behavior and the weakness of the plot. And I loved his this style which is introducing the daily routines in the story.


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